Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Trot

Good morning! This morning I got up with some friends and did the non-timed 5K in downtown. It was great to be out there exercising with friends and celebrating the day. It burned just enough calories to cover the latte that I HAD to have afterwards. Starbucks is such an addiction!

So I got in a nice 3.1 miles today, not including the walk to an from the car :)

Yesterday, I really busted my butt on the treadmill going 4 miles but doing incline training and running more. I spent the last 5 minutes running, which is really helping build my endurance. Can you believe I went to the gym after work let out early instead of doing something else? Wow!

So today is the day to checkout circulars and see what gifts can be bought this Black Friday. I didn't even buy a paper to avoid tempation. Instead, I'll spend a few hours tomorrow doing gift wrap at a local mall to raise funds for Team in Training.

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I had so much fun at the Turkey Trot! Hope you enjoyed your stuffing! =)
