Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Road I Am Traveling

It's amazing how much one can struggle to change. Change is constant, yet we fight against the flow. I have been challengd to exercise daily where it wasn't that often before, and to eat healthier. It sounds easy, but for me and many others, it isn't. It seems easier when I'm exercising with someone else, but when alone, I struggle more.
My friend asked me the other day if I have lost weight and am I am feeling energized. Nope. I'm slowly learning new eating habits, but the weight loss hasn't occurred. Of course I'm building muscle as well, but I haven't seen much change. I struggle with getting my sneakers on and not falling back into old patterns.
Last night, I hit a wall. I hit a point where I said that I need to re-dedicate myself to what's important and to simplify.

On Monday, it was a nice jaunt with the TNT group. A couple miles then cross-training, another mile then more training, then a final 1/2 mile. It was a nice change-up to do the cross-training between the miles - jump rope, jumping jacks, crunches, kicks.

On Tuesday, I took my cross-training at a different angle and attended a meeting on presence. It was a good exercise in study as well as being able to sit still for 7 minutes in a meditative state. All good!

Last night was the wall. No exercise, just some crying. I know it sounds pitiful, but I needed to hit the wall. Then I sat for awhile and put to paper what my real focus needs to be for the next couple of months...what's important. I asked myself why I was doing this race, and why was I involved with Team in Training. I came out with a couple positive results, and I feel renewed.

I got up this morning and did an exercise walking video for 45 minutes (3 miles) so get my day started. I have strength training later this evening, and I'm back!

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