Sunday, September 20, 2009

After Fondue

So last nite I decided to dine on a fondue dinner at a really yummy restaurant. My friend and I made some smart choices with what we were dipping in the cheese and ensuring that we ate veggies. We even had food leftover (except for dessert) that she was able to take home.
After a big meal ending at 10:15 at nite, getting up at 6am to do a run was not happening. I headed out for a 30 minute walk around 9am this morning. I was fighting with my shins again (shooting pains). I took time to stretch during the walk and work it out. When I came home pouring in sweat, I crawled onto the floor for some exercises. Crunches, push-ups, squats, lunges. It was good.
After my exercise fun, I headed to the grocery store to pick up some new food items and get ready for a new week of dining. I even tried some muscadine grapes!
I'll be ready for my Monday night workout and will soon build up my endurance.
I am an Endurance Athlete!

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