Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Buyer's Remorse

so about 3 days ago, I experienced buyer's remorse. Only it wasn't a purchase exactly, but the decision to do a marathon. Am I crazy? My body can't handle that. How will I ever find the time and energy for this task?
So today I slapped myself...well, not literally. I pushed those "can't" voices out of my head and decided that it's going to be great. I finally put on my sneakers (had been avoiding) and got on the treadmill to start next step of the journey. It felt good. Well, I may have been slightly nauseated after the effort, but only temporarily. It was probably from a lack of adequate water supply, so I'll fix that tomorrow.
Honestly, it felt good. My heart was pumping and legs were pounding the treadmill belt. I took it easy as one should easing back into a good exercise regimen. Like many, consistency in certain activities is not my strong suit.
I'm excited as well because some friends will be starting an accountability group. A group to go where I can have the support system to strengthen myself and also be a supporter for my friends in their journeys.
Today felt good and tomorrow will be great.

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